The Electro-Acupuncture Massager features self-activating crystals that create a small, harmless electrical charge that stimulates your body’s natural healing processes. When applied correctly, this fantastic device provides quick and effective stimulation and relief. Use the smaller point for lobes, hands and other small areas, and the larger point for neck, knees and other large areas.
We are committed to ensuring your orders reach you promptly and reliably. Please take a moment to review our shipping and delivery policy to understand better how we cater to your needs.
Your orders are processed and dispatched on business days, specifically Monday through Friday, excluding major holidays. Orders placed over the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, will be processed during the upcoming business day. We require 1-3 business days to process your orders.
Please note that the timelines laid out above are goals and best efforts. A variety of different circumstances can alter these timelines from time to time however we do our best to stick to what is covered above.
As far as picking and packing go, we pick as full cases whenever possible and as long as the case is in good condition and is a proper master case to ship in, we do not re-box full case picks. Those will ship as is (sometimes we add more tape to the box if required).
When items are picked as individual units or are picked in cases that are not suitable for shipping we box up those units for save shipping to your customer.
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